


72问皮埃罗 / 硅谷的秘密



感谢大家订阅皮埃罗·斯加鲁菲(Piero Scaruffi)的钛媒体72问.知识专栏《硅谷的秘密》。我是今天的提问者赵何娟。上节课,皮埃罗先生讲到了机器人最早是为底特律发明的,却在硅谷突然变得异常强大,硅谷喜欢机器人,机器人的酷爱文化无处不在,并且提到了 一个特殊的组织名字“生存研究中心”。这个组织是干嘛的呢?这一课皮埃罗就来讲了讲这个新奇的生存研究中心。


I don’t know how to call them. Artists? Engineers? I don’t know. They liked to build machines, robots basically that were performing for the public. So it was a show, it was a show with these machines were typically would make a lot of noise, collide, explode, burn. By the way the idea of Burning Man, these machines were burning, and the early Burning Man festival, most of the machines were made by people who were at the Survival Research Labs. So this was happening and this was very popular in San Francisco. Because there were a lot in those buildings in those days in the seventies and eighties there were a lot of empty buildings in San Francisco.

我也不知道如何称呼这个研究所,他们算是艺术家?还是工程师?他们喜欢设计能够为公众服务的机器人,他们制作的机器有的可以吓跑鸟类。这个想法叫做Burning Man。早期的火人节机器人就是有这个实验室完成的。旧金山一度很流行火人节,因为在70,80年代,旧金山还有很多的空房子。

It was not a rich city, it was poor. So they were trying to become something else all these empty buildings. Young people were organizing rock music, crazy parties and this kind of shows with machines, colliding and destroying and making a lot of noise. These people actually kept robotics a live now there are people now who one is Ken Goldberg the UC Berkeley were attending and contributing to the Survivor Research Labs shows. 

那时候,旧金山不是发达城市,还只是一个港口。旧金山的年轻人会在空房子里面开摇滚派对,把机器人带到空房子里,制造噪音。实际上,就是这些年轻人在做机器人,所以旧金山的机器人技术才没有消失。其中比较著名的Ken Goldberg来自加州大学柏克莱分校,他为生存研究所做了很多的工作。

So actually if you just look at the science you see robotics a deserter nothing for twenty years and the robotics again but if you consider the whole of society it should there always was something there and guess what they are very creative they were not trying to make a protease it there was no venture capital it was no government it was just a bunch of kids having fun.


That's one of the stories I can tell you. When you have art and technology and science getting together you don't get a great product but you get a lot of creativity and so I feel that creativity is very important it's difficult to measure it is difficult if you ask me, okay how much did the Survivor Research Labs contribute to the GDP of the bay area? Probably zero. There’s no money comes out of that. How much it contributed to the creativity of the place? Probably a lot, and that creativity eventually became robotic companies and who knows? 


By the way today there are still a lot of independent robot builders still a lot. And I invite them to speak at the lasers I invited them to exhibit at the last festival at the not his very last one but the previews last festival we had a robot that shake hands and it was built by an independent ,not by big company we had the robotic makes bubbles in a soap bubbles. The children of course loved them, and there was built by an independent . So actually we still have probably hundreds of people who build robots in their garage that's the real Silicon Valley. Probably ninety nine percent of them would fail I mean fail they will have a lot of fun not fail but they would not make money but maybe one of them right now is building the robbers of the future or is coming up with idea for the robotics. 


To me school going back to school because I started with school, right? So, school, yeah, should teach how to build a robot should teach the math the mathematics that you need to operate the robot but it should also teach you to be creative. Otherwise you will just jump to your order and design a robot that somebody you designed for you and you would just make a little more of that robot. But if they also teach you creativity you will invent the robots to the future that right now we can't even think of.



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    2018.05.23 20:40 via iphone
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    2018.05.16 07:40 via iphone
  • “一群玩机器人的孩子”这个比喻透着一种年轻的生态,同时让人感到心慌,因为这是我们欠缺的。现在企业为什么要弄这个,就是为了赚钱。

    2018.05.02 12:20 via iphone

Oh! no


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